Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I just entered to win a Xia-Xia & Shell Set at Heavenly Savings and You Can too!

Come on over to

and enter to win too! :)

Thomas The Train Lovers!!

I just entered to win a Thomas & Friends Prize Pack ($75 Value) at Heavenly Savings and You Can too! Giveaway Ends 11/9!

Come and enter @ :

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Come look at the review and giveaway of a baltic amber teething necklace! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thursday, September 29, 2011

My New Mommy Life So Far...

Sayge is the most perfect baby that a new mommy could ask for. Sure, i get thrown up on, and peed on, and all sorts of new things I've never experienced. But i truly feel as if he is the most perfect baby ever. I mean, yeah all moms must think that, but he is just overly special. He does things way before he should, he is barely ever upset or crabby, and i love our cuddle time together. He has been saying MA! or Mama! since 2 months old. That just melted my heart so much when i heard him say it for the first time, it was truly an amazing thing to witness. Not so happy i missed him rolling over for the first time tho (9-26-2011)  :( lol.  He just makes me so happy. I never thought that there was a love like this, but there is, and i own it now. 
An overjoyed mother